Posted on by Annie Feng

As we get further into the month of October and temperatures (finally) begin to feel like fall, it can only mean one thing – Halloween is almost here! No matter how old you are, Halloween brings a certain indescribable magic and we’re so glad that it’s almost here.

Among all the various festivals, Halloween is always my favorite. This is the day that you can get dressed up, pretend to be someone else and won't be regarded as a weirdo. But you ain't got any ideas for this year's feast yet? Refer to some of our favorite Halloween vintage dress looks below for the ultimate in outfit inspiration!

Maybe it's out of the reason of pumpkins, when it comes to Halloween, the first impression will always be a little bit orange sort of elements.

Halloween Printed Belt Vintage Dress

Halloween Cat Print V-neck Vintage Dress

Halloween Vintage Skull Print Sleeveless Dress

Halloween Lace Patched Print Dress

Halloween Pumpkin Print Retro Dress

Halloween Halter Sleeveless Printed Dress

Halloween Pumpkin Print Spaghetti Straps Dress

Now you can buy them at an extremely low price at Mislish. Join the shopping cart right away. Have a special and interesting Halloween!